
The following information is sourced from WordPress.org and was last synced on Friday 18th of October 2024 am31 07:52:06 AM.


Typography field type for “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin that lets you add different text properties e.g. Font Size, Font Family, Font Color etc.

Supported Subfields

  • Font Size
  • Font Family
  • Font Weight
  • Font Style
  • Font Variant
  • Font Stretch
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing
  • Text Align
  • Text Color
  • Text Decoration
  • Text Transform

Other Features

  • Supports Google Fonts. The selected Google Fonts are automatically enqueued on front-end of posts/pages. Google Fonts also work with ACF Options.
  • Supports Gutenberg Blocks created with ACF.
  • Option to show/hide each subfield individually
  • Option to make each subfield required individually
  • Color Picker for Text Color subfield


// Returns the value of a specific property
get_typography_field( $selector, $property, [$post_id], [$format_value] );

// Displays the value of a specific property
the_typography_field( $selector, $property, [$post_id], [$format_value] );

// Returns the value of a specific property from a sub field.
get_typography_sub_field( $selector, $property, [$format_value] );

// Displays the value of a specific property from a sub field.
the_typography_sub_field( $selector, $property, [$format_value] );


[acf_typography field="field-name" property="font_size" post_id="123" format_value="1"]

Github repository



This ACF field type is compatible with:
* Free and paid versions of the ACF plugin


  1. Copy the acf-typography-field folder into your wp-content/plugins folder
  2. Activate the Typography plugin via the plugins admin page
  3. Google API Key is required for Google Fonts. Please add one by going to WordPress Admin Dashboard > Settings > ACF Typography Settings
  4. Create a new field via ACF and select the Typography type
  5. Please refer to the description for more info regarding the field type settings


Q. Is it compatible with ACF Pro?

A. Yes. This plugin is compatiable with both free and paid ACF plugins.

Q. Does it support Google Fonts?

A. Version 3.0.0 and greater supports Google Fonts

Q. Why I do not see Google Fonts in the Font Family drop down?

A. Google API Key is required for Google Fonts. Please add one by going to WordPress Admin Dashboard > Settings > ACF Typography Settings

Q. Does it enqueue selected Google Fonts?

A. Yes. This plugin automatically enqueues user selected Google Fonts to front-end of posts/pages.

Q. Does it support Gutenberg Blocks?

A. Yes. This plugin does support Gutenberg Blocks created with ACF.

Q. How can I contribute?

A. Join in on Github repository @mujahidi/acf-typography



  • Added new font-weight values


  • Fixed google fonts url too long issue


  • Fixed typo and bugs


  • [NEW] Added ‘initial’ and ‘inherit’ values for ‘font-family’ property.
  • [NEW] Added support for ACF Blocks.
  • [BUG] Fixed a PHP notice when any post does not have ACF Typography fields setup.


  • [NEW] Google Fonts support for ACF Options
  • [BUG] Different font weights were not enqueued when used in a repeater field


  • [NEW] Introduces functions and shortcode
  • [NEW] Hides nonselected properties in fieldgroup edit page
  • [NEW] Supports Google Fonts
  • [NEW] Enqueue google fonts CSS on page/post


  • [NEW] Font Stretch subfield


  • [NEW] Font Variant subfield


  • [NEW] Now supports ACF 5 (Pro version)


  • Fixed a bug


  • [NEW] Text Transform subfield


  • Initial Release.

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