The following information is sourced from and was last synced on Thursday 13th of March 2025 am31 07:51:53 AM.
WordPress plugin which adds Quick Edit functionality to Advanced Custom Fields Plugin (Pro and Free 5+.
- Show ACF field values in List views
Supported ACF Fields. - Supports Post, Term and User list tables
- Scalar Columns (Like Text, Number, …) can be made sortable
- Edit ACF Field values in Quick edit and Bulk edit
Known Limitations
- Bulk Edit seems to be incompatible with Search & Filter Pro @see Issue #145
- Might show a message if ACF Pro comes in bundle with another plugin. @see Issue #146
- The plugin is not tested against wooCommerce, so some issues may occur. @see Issue #135, Issue #173. I will happily accept pull request, fixing such issues.
In the Fieldgroup editor:
Column View:
Show Column will sho a column in the WP List Table.
Sortable Column will make the column sortable. This only works with primitive Field types like Text, Number, Range and so on.
Column weight gives you an option to take control of the column order. The higher the weight, the more to the right the column will be. Present columns will have defaults weights of multiples of 100 starting with zero for the checkbox column. For example to place an image column between the checkbox (column weight = 0) and title (column weight = 100) choose a value between 0 and 100.
Filter add a filter to the posts users or terms list.
Toggle QuickEdit and Bulk Edit to enable Editing in the list table view.
Enable Backend Search to make a field searchable in the list table view.
Location Rules
The plugin follows ACFs location rule logic as far as possible. If you have a field group that is only applies to posts in a specific category or with a certain post starus, then columns and quick edit will only show up, if you have filtered the posts by that category ar post status.
Negative rules (like “Post category is not equal to X”) will not work – simply because the WP does not provide an admin view for “Posts not in category X”.
With the Simplifed Location Rules option enabled for a field group only the post type or taxonomy rules are applied. Any other rule ist skipped. This allows you to always show and edit the fields in list views, regardless of the current list filter. The downside is, that this can make even those fields editable, that are normally hidden in the pst editor.
Conditional Logic
Conditional logic is not supported.
Please head over to the source code on Github.
Just follow the Automatic Plugin Installation procedere.
Presumbly I won’t. However, there are some plugin filters and actions that might come in handy, if you decide to write an implementation by yourself.
I even wrote a tutorial page on how to write our own field type integration.
Please use the issues section in the GitHub-Repository. A well described issue that can be reproduced quickly is more likely to be fixed quickly.
I will most likely not maintain the support forum on Anyway, other users might have an answer for you, so it’s worth a shot.
Welcome to the world of commerce.
If you are located in the EU, you can hire me for the usual market price of an IT guy in central europe.
Outside the EU you can try to fix it yourself or find someone who does. I will likely accept well crafted and tested pull request in the GitHub-Repository.
Please post an issue in the GitHub-Repository
- Fix: Messed up media library. Kudos to tflight
- Fix: Select values not loading after ACF Update
- Fix: Backend Search not working
- Fix: Some Bulk Operations not validating
- Fix: Ajax loading broken with select fields on ACF 6.3.2+
- Fix: PHP warning
- Fix: Post object column shows garbage
- Fix: nested select fields now dispalyed with optgroups. (Notice: Won’t work with UI)
- Fix: Custom Checkbox values not showing
- Performance: Skip feature init on edit post
- Fix: PHP warning, None label not clickable in radio fields
- Fix: show no value in datetime fields
- QuickEdit: add none-choice to nullable select fields
- Render
atrribute on field - Fix: Default Taxonomy UI shown
- Fix: QuickEdit options visible if field is added for the first time
- Fix: Local JSON not saved immediately
- Fix: Columns were gone if polylang is active
- Fix: Search buttons disabled after quick edit
- FIx: Sorting broken if used together with filters
- Fix: Some PHP warnings
- Fix: Column View in media list view was gone
- Performance: Load admin class only if needed
- Introduce simplified location rules
- Styles: More compact lists with line clamp
- Fix: fix column sort by multiple keys
- Fix: Quick edit broken if sorting is enabled
- Fix: Fatal error with bulk edit operation on terms
- Fix: Show “(no value)” instead of “Post not found” in post object column
- Taxonomy column: terms link to filtered view instead of term editor
- Fix: values not loaded on CPT for users not having
capability - Fix: … a few more PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings
- Fix: Closing QuickEdit on ESC caused JS error
- Fix: Remove dumb capability check in taxonomy field column
- Fix: term filter dropdowns were not selected
- Fix: Taxonomy field filter not working
- Fix: PHP warning on early registered fields
- Regression: Single post objects not loading
- Fix: another PHP 8.2 deprecations
- Fix: PHP 8.2 deprecations
- Feature: Support post category location rule (not just taxonomy)
- Fix information disclosure vulnerability: ACF-handled user metadata was disclosed via ajax request to registered users having the edit_posts capability.
- Fix: fix checkbox and radio taxonomy field
- Fix: post object value (single) not loaded into ui
- Lower memory usage
- Feature: Support Taxonomy filter
- Fix: Multiple selection taxonomy field reporting empty terms
- Fix: PHP warning in Admin/CurrentView
- Fix: select not being selected in QuickEdit
- Feature: Column filter
- Feature: Bulk operations
- UI Improvement: Display non-multiple values
- UI Improvement: Show UI labels in column view for True/False Fields
- UI Improvement: Fix column with in posts list tables
- Hooks API: introduce
filter - Hooks API: introduce
filter - Hooks API: introduce
filter - Hooks API: introduce
filter - Hooks API: introduce
filter - Bugfix: Radio and checkbox fields did not show custom values
- Bugfix: sanitize data behind
- Fix Field group settings for ACF 6
- Introduce Legacy mode for ACF < 6.0.0
- Fix PHP 8.1 Deprecation notices
- Fix Taxonomy Field display
- Fix: Different Gallery field return formats
- Fix: PHP Fatal in posts list
- Fix: Nested groups not saving
- Fix: Typo which caused a fatal in PHP 8
- Improvement: Hide WordPress Taxonomy UI from quick/bulk if ACF Taxonomy is present
- Fix: PHP warning in taxonomy field
- Fix: PHP warning in link field
- Don’t sanitize text fields in ajax output
- Fix: Syntax error in user field (PHP < 7.3)
- Fix: PHP warning if post date column is not present
- Support ACF RGBA color picker
- Added Basic support for User field in quick and bulk
- Introduce filter
- Fix: User columns not being displayed
- Feature: Make user fields sortable (by user ID)
- Feature: Support Toggle option for checkbox field
- Fix: PHP Warning __wakeup
- Fix: Grouped fields not shown
- Fix: QuickEdit Taxonomy checkboxes looking weird
- Fix: BulkEdit grouped fields didn’t pass validation
- Tested with WP 5.6 / jQuery 3
- Fix: Group subfields sometimes not displaying
- Feature: Ajax load terms in Taxonomy Field
- Fix: PHP Warning on Upgrade
- Fix: avoid infinite loops when something hooks into acf/save_post and saves the post
- Dependencies: Remove legacy PHP support
- Fix: PHP Warning on Upgrade
- Security hardening
- Fix: Location rules at taxonomy edit screen
- Fix: Location rules too restrictive
- Feature: Support Post Object Bulk and Quick Edit (thanks to @m0n0mind)
- Fix: Column for Post object with multiple values not displaying
- Fix: ACF Field Location rules applied incorrectly
- Fix: JS Error with link fields
- Fix: Quick/Bulk Edit not showing when list table filter is used
- Fix: QuickEdit sometimes caused a JS Error
- Fix: Broken 3rd party field integration
- Fix: Some Fields not saved
- Fix: Checkbox not displayed properly
- Fix: file/image field without value not displayed properly in editor
- Fix: JS Error in post editor
- Fix: Bulk edit overriding values
- User List: only enqueue necessary assets
- Release at
- Feature: Added support for Link and User Field
- UI: Improvements in Column view,
- Fix: column issue with Polylang and WordPress SEO
- Fix: Datepicker saved wrong value
- Fix: Checkbox in group didn’t save