
The following information is sourced from WordPress.org and was last synced on Thursday 17th of October 2024 am31 08:52:06 AM.


This plugin provides qTranslate-X compatible ACF4 and ACF5PRO field types for Text, Text Area, WYSIWYG, Image and File. When adding a field to a field group these new field types will be listed under the qTranslate category in the Field Type dropdown.

Field Types

  • qTranslate Text (type text, api returns text)
  • qTranslate Text Area (type text, api returns text)
  • qTranslate WYSIWYG (a wordpress wysiwyg editor, api returns html)
  • qTranslate Image (upload an image, api returns the url)
  • qTranslate File (upload a file, api returns the url)
  • qTranslate URL (type text, api returns text)

The standard Text, Text Area and WYSIWYG field types can also be enabled for translation.

Bug Submission



  1. Upload acf-qtranslate directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Requires ACF or ACFPRO

Requires qTranslate-X Plugin


What’s the history behind this plugin?

The plugin is based on code samples posted to the ACF support forums by taeo back in 2013.



  • Core: Added qTranslate suffix to field labels
  • Core: (asedano) Added ACF5 support for Post Object field
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with File fields


  • Core: (asedano) Added ACF5 support for URL field
  • Bug Fix: (asedano) Added ACF 5.7 compatibility
  • Bug Fix: (asedano) Prevent PHP warnings about non-existent indexes


  • Bug Fix: Added ACF 5.6 compatibility


  • Bug Fix: Prevent LSBs from loading on all pages by default


  • Bug Fix: Make compatible with older versions of ACF5 by checking for acf_connect_attachment_to_post


  • Core: Added ability to display LSBs on specific pages


  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with saving File and Image fields after ACF 5.5.5 upgrade


  • Core: Prevent error on older versions of ACF5
  • Bug Fix: Updated ACF5 qTranslate File field to match recent ACF update


  • Core: Initialize on either plugins_loaded or after_setup_theme
  • Core: Drop support for qTranslate Plus, mqTranslate, and zTranslate


  • Bug Fix: Fixed ACF4 support for standard WYSIWYG field
  • Bug Fix: Updated ACF4 qTranslate WYSIWYG field
  • Bug Fix: Prevent translation of key acf-field-group fields


  • Core: Display LSB on ACF Option pages


  • Bug Fix: Bumped after_setup_theme priority to fix ACF4 field inclusion


  • Bug Fix: ACF5 Image selection fix


  • Bug Fix: Fixed ACF5 Image/File edit and delete buttons


  • Core: Enable support for ACF included within theme
  • Bug Fix: Fixed do_action support when removing repeater rows
  • Bug Fix: Removing qTranslateConfig.qtx.addContentHooksTinyMCE calls


  • Bug Fix: (HeikoMamerow) ACF5 File compatibility fix
  • Bug Fix: (Tusko) ACF5 Image compatibility fix
  • Bug Fix: (Tusko) Replace deprecated acf/input/admin_footer_js action
  • Bug Fix: (Tusko) Switcher styles fixed
  • Bug Fix: (fburatti) ACF4 WYSIWYG WP 4.3 compatibility fix
  • Bug Fix: (fburatti) WYSIWYG was appending all values together
  • Bug Fix: (fburatti) WP 4.3 PHP warning in WYSIWYG value


  • Bug Fix: WYSIWYG was creating second acf_settings wp_editor instance


  • Core: Updated WYSIWYG monkey patches for qTranslate Plus
  • Bug Fix: E_NOTICE in ACF4 field types
  • Bug Fix: E_NOTICE on admin.php pages when Options addon is missing


  • Core: Added configuration page
  • Core: Support for Standard Field Types when using qTranslate-X is disabled by default
  • Core: Display standard language toggles when using qTranslate-X
  • Bug Fix: qTranslate-X problem with content from languages being mixed
  • Bug Fix: Corrected repeater problems introduced by qTranslate-X update


  • Core: qTranslate-X support for Text, Text Area and WYSIWYG inside repeater
  • Bug Fix: Display qTranslate-X switcher for qTranslate Field Types
  • Bug Fix: Incorrectly loading in Media Library and Widgets screens


  • Core: Updates to README file
  • Bug Fix: Updated to visible ACF fields detection


  • Bug Fix: Only load admin javascript when there are visible ACF fields


  • Core: Removed namespaces to make code compatible with PHP 5.2


  • Bug Fix: Corrected misnamed variable
  • Bug Fix: ACF5 issues using WYSIWYG with the repeater field type
  • Bug Fix: qTranslate-X saving content using WYSIWYG with repeater field type
  • Core: Support for qtrans_edit_language cookie set by qTranslate-X
  • Core: Keep switches between Visual/Html modes in sync across languages


  • Core: Added back ACF5 support for WYSIWYG
  • Core: Added qTranslate-X support for the standard WYSIWYG field type
  • Core: Bumped version requirement to match ACF
  • Bug Fix: qTranslate-X switcher showing up on every admin page


  • Core: Refactor of codebase
  • Core: Support for qTranslate-X language switchers


  • Core: Added ACFv4 support for qTranslate-X


  • Core: Added compatibility for qTranslate-X
  • Bug Fix: Remove the broken ACF5 WYSIWYG implementation


  • Core: Added support for ACF5
  • Core: Tested compatibility with mqTranslate


  • Core: Updated styles for WordPress 3.8
  • Bug Fix: qTranslate bug with multiple WYSIWYG editors


  • Bug Fix: qTranslate bug with multiple WYSIWYG editors


  • Core: Added support for Image Fields. Thanks to bookwyrm for the contribution.


  • Initial Release. Thanks to taeo for the code samples this plugin was based on.

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