Use this snippet to convert legacy field groups from PHP to ACF-JSON files

I was working on a legacy project recently that had a multiple Advanced Custom Fields – field groups registered with PHP. It was difficult to edit these hard coded field groups so I decided it was best to switch these to JSON. I ran the snippet below once, it converts each of the field groups from PHP into JSON and save these JSON files to the acf-json directory.

// Get all the local field groups and loop through them for processing.
$field_groups = acf_get_local_field_groups();
foreach ( $field_groups as $group ) {
// If the field group has fields, load them into the 'fields' key.
if ( acf_have_local_fields( $group['key'] ) ) {
$group['fields'] = acf_get_local_fields( $group['key'] );
// Write the group's JSON file.
acf_write_json_field_group( $group );

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